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Her Story in her Words

As a child, I was always curious to know what is beyond physical reality. The thoughts in my mind left me questioned, what is beyond the sky and moon? What came first and how is this beautiful world created? 


Thoughts being curious, my emotional integrity was driven to connect to people and help them in resolving their pain in a way I could.


"Many lives many masters" is one of the self-help books that got me closely to this path and my continued search to learn healing modalities to get people out of pain went on. 


When I look back on my journey, it all started in 2009 with "Reiki" sessions and I continued to learn Hypnotherapy, Theta Healing, Angel Therapy, Crystal Healing, Chakra Healing, Tarot Reading, and Akashic Records since then.


During the learning, is when I realized that I  am witnessing changes in myself and found out how important it is to work on ourselves to expect growth and to see a better version.


Let me tell you the fact, before all this, I was exploring life to experience the world out of my comfort zone by working in the airlines and luxury retail sector while the path destined for me by Divine was playing hide and seek. 


And somewhere years ago, I knew that this was my path and it kept calling me. That's where my calling took me to where I am right now.


If it wasn't for my psychic abilities, my exploration could have just landed me on the dilemmas of the physical dimension.


The question that took me far and beyond. A reality where it taught me the eloquence of how beautiful our existence is. Unexplored dimensions could have not been traversed if it wasn't for the intuitive energies that channelized me to glory and today I believe, "The state of  mind is as important as our body."


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