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Image by Pawel Czerwinski

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ENERGY/akashic records reading

When we are lost in the loops of life or we feel stuck, we have nowhere to go. Learn what's more to it here! Let's shed some light to this scenario.

Start the blissful life right here!

So, when you opt for this session, its time to be aware of every aspect of your life & get more clarity.

In this session,

MMona Thaddani will connect with your energies & read about different dimensions.

1. Soul chart reading to know about your health, career, love, family, spiritual guidance.

2.  Learn about your mental & emotional karmic lessons.

3. Channeled messages from your angels.

4. Affirmations to accelerate your healing process and bring about positive changes in your life.

You can ask your questions that are in your mind and the session will be completed by Energy healing for the client.




Are we supposed to clear our minds or focus on one thing? The awareness starts within and that's right from our mind and body! What's distressing the body is the distressed and wandering mind. Bring it here and learn the power of the mind to feel the bliss that you wondered it had gone.


Start paying attention to what are we up to and what's going on now, in the session with me, and surely release the stress and anxiety!


What can you expect?


1. Shed some light into the mind - MINDFULNESS




3. Improve the focus - CONCENTRATION


4. Regulate the feelings - EMOTIONS


5. Journey of Self Acceptance - Self LOVE



Pink Powder

monthly reading

Receive your personalised general readings for once a week.


No of readings  - 4

1. General guidance to keep you going.

2. Messages from your angels.


This will guide you to plan things in the coming days.

coaching program

Coaching programs will be customised specially for you.This program is for people who want serious changes in life and don’t know how to work on themselves, how to come out of past pain, anxiety, stress, mental blocks or if you feel stuck in life.

Complete guidance and one on one sessions with  holistic approach to empower you and make you emotionally independent to move on in life.

This will be an investment in yourself which is totally worthwhile.


Duration 15 days to 3 months depending on case to case basis.

For more details – book a general consultation.



Do you feel drained by the presence of certain people in your life?  Or are you in a place where you are unable to let go of old relationships? If so this session is for you.


We normally build energetic etheric cords with people we spend time with or even with situations. it may be with family, love, colleagues, or friends. Sometimes some relations create an unhealthy vibe around and that affects the mind.


The cord-cutting session can heal you from negative energies and lead you to freedom and happiness. 


Highlights of the session:


1. Abandon the heavy energy and heal yourself.


2. Practioner shall implement healing techniques to cut the cords of negative energies.


3. Clear the emotional blockage and see the new "YOU".

Cord cutting


You may refer to this as Remote Healing where there is the relaxed transfer of energy at any place you are put up!


Its ability to reach you is way beyond the physical presence and aligns your chakras when your energy is imbalanced.


Cause of any emotional or physical issues leads to emotional imbalance and that's when your chakras are out of alignment. You may feel stagnant, confused, demotivated, or even stressed.


Seek your practitioner to open doors for you in ways you have never imagined.


I'm delighted to help people with these sessions during challenging times where our physical presence is prohibited.


Come meet me in the session and explore yourself towards healing!

Distance Healing

NUmerology consultation

  1. Bring Total to Enhance Luck Factors.

  2. Avoid the Unlucky one with the help of Numerology.

  3. Suitable Personal name/ Newborn name.

  4. Suitable Business name ( company or brand name )

  5. Identify Strength & Weaknesses

  6. Lucky mobile number

  7. Lucky email id

  8. Lucky flat number

  9. Lucky vehicle number

  10. Compatible numbers & colors.

  11. Interpretations

  12. Remedies to uplift the success rate & for future progress.​

  13. Name Balancing & Correction if required.

Numerology consultation
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